Method 1:
$$ Let \, \alpha = 1, then\, (\alpha + \alpha) =$$
$$\alpha(1 + 1) = 2\alpha \Rightarrow$$ By distributive law
You can use any kind of mathematical tools to write proof. Not necessary to be algebra or calculus or geometry etc... writing proof or problem solving is a question that cannot be answered immediately. You will get lost at the very beginning mostly. Problems are often open-ended, paradoxical, and sometimes unsolvable, and require investigation before one can come close to a solution. Problems and problem solving are at the heart of mathematics. Research mathematicians do nothing but open-ended problem solving. In industry, being able to solve a poorly defined problem is much more important to an employer than being able to, say, invert a matrix. A computer can do the latter, but not the former.
So let's try using Set as a tool to solve $$1+1=2$$
Method 2:
$$A = \{a_1, a_2, ...\} B = \{b_1, b_2, ...\} C = \{c_1, c_2, ...\} D = \{r,s\}$$
Then, $$ \alpha + \alpha = \Theta(\{A,B\}) = \Theta(\{a_1, a_2, ... b_1, b_2, ...\})$$
$$2\alpha = \Theta(C * D) = \Theta(\{(c_1,r),(c_2,r)....,(c_1,s),(c_2,s)\})$$
But the function $$ f: \{A;B\} \rightarrow \{C * D\}$$
$$f(x) = \biggl \{ \begin{matrix}(c_i, r) \Rightarrow if \, (x = a_i)\\
(c_i, s) \Rightarrow if \, (x = b_i) \end{matrix}$$
is similarly mapping of $$\{A;B\} \, onto \, (C * D)$$
Hence $$\alpha + \alpha = \Theta (\{A;B\}) = \Theta(\{ C * D\}) = 2\alpha$$.
This completes the proof.
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